
Showing posts from March, 2022

Adakah Selamat Untuk Berjalan Di Waktu Malam Di Paris

Foto Sunyi Sepi Jalanan Paris Saat Prancis Terapkan Jam Malam Covid 19 Global Liputan6 Com

Carta Lgbt Di Malaysia

Liwat adalah jenayah di negara ini dan sikap sosial terhadap komuniti LGBT dibentuk oleh Islam agama rasmi negara Malaysia. Human Rights Watch menyatakan bahawa Diskriminasi terhadap orang-orang lesbian gay biseksual. Aktiviti Negatif Lgbt Boleh Bawa Dr Suhazeli Abdullah Facebook But perhaps due to the modern-day era where many countries around the world have begun to embrace and acknowledge the existence of the LGBT community our. . Malaysia is a conservative country that rejects the LGBT lesbian gay bisexual and transgender rights as it goes against the Islam teachings and not to mention this is a Muslim country. Vigilante executions and beatings are also tolerated. Namun perbuatan homoseksual dan seksual di luar tabii merupakan satu kesalahan berdasarkan undang-undang di Malaysia. Sekiranya anda dengar aktivis-aktivis LGBT bercakap sama ada di Malaysia ataupun di negara luar - amat jelas sekali mereka bukanlah orang yan